About the privacy policy of "Camera with File Manager"

gacool.jp (hereinafter referred to as “our company”) establishes the following privacy policy and strives to protect personal information.

■ Management of personal information
The Company will take necessary measures to maintain the personal information of customers and prevent unauthorized access, loss, damage, falsification, leakage, etc. of personal information.
■ Use of personal information
The personal information entrusted to us by our customers will be used for sending e-mails and materials for contacting us, providing business guidance and answering questions.
■Providing personal information to a third party
We will not disclose personal information to a third party unless the personal information we have received from the customer is one of the following cases.
1. With customer's consent
2. When it is necessary to disclose based on laws and regulations
■Safety measures for personal information
We take all possible security measures to ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information.
■ Inquiry about the person
If the customer wishes to inquire, correct or delete his or her personal information, we will confirm the individual's identity and respond appropriately.
■Compliance and review of laws and regulations
We will comply with Japanese laws and regulations and other norms that apply to the personal information we hold, review the content of this policy as appropriate, and strive to improve it.
■About AdMob (Google Inc.), the advertising distribution tool we are using
Please check the application privacy policy link below for the advertisement distributor.
Google Advertising Policy
■ Contact